Median responder gates (MRGs) are fast-acting, retractable barrier wall gates that allow emergency, law enforcement, and maintenance vehicles to quickly access opposing lanes of traffic on highways separated by concrete median barriers. MRGs are ideal for reestablishing emergency crossover points that have been eliminated with the installation of concrete barrier walls. MRGs can also be used to redirect stalled traffic.
Median responder gates can be raised and lowered to provide or restrict access through a concrete median wall. First responders activate the gate by pressing a keychain-sized wireless transmitter when nearing the barrier. This causes the responder gate to lower into the ground while a flashing red warning light alerts that the gate is lowering.
Once fully lowered and resting on its supports, the red lights stop and yellow flashing lights activate, showing that it is safe to drive through the concrete barrier. The driver again activates the transmitter when the vehicle is through the gate, raising it back to the closed position. It takes approximately 10 seconds for the responder gate to fully open, and approximately 15 seconds to close. MRG’s normally closed position prevents unsafe illegal u-turns.
MRG Features
- One of the main features of our MRGs is its wireless functionality. The microprocessor-controlled gate can open or close remotely via a portable wireless transmitter. The vehicle occupancy system and highly visible warning lights prevent unsafe entry through the median during lowering and raising operations.
- Mechanical open options. If necessary, operators can also operate the gate mechanically without electrical power by using MRG’s emergency lowering and raising devices. These allow first responders to manually operate gates with relative efficiency. We also offer a “wired” manual option that allows the gate to open via a hard-wired controller. Limit switches, however, will continue to function in manual mode, with the option to disengage if necessary.
- MRG performance. The MRG continued to function after being struck during the crash test. Crash cushions and most other gate designs require “immediate” repair or costly replacement to maintain their safety effectiveness.
- System status lights. The MRG comes with several indicator lights for battery condition, battery charging and an MRG cycle counter. The gate system also comes with a comprehensive self-diagnosing program (flashing light series) that allows operators and maintenance staff to quickly and efficiently identify operational issues.
- Variety of safety features. We also incorporate several important safety features in our median gate systems. In addition to warning lights and secure transmitters, our built-in ultrasonic vehicle occupancy sensors prevent inadvertent closing of the gate when they detect vehicles above the lowered gate. MRG also has physical steel pins to secure the gate for power-off maintenance situations.
Cumberland Solutions Are Best
Our feature-laden median responder gate offers numerous benefits over manually operated gates or permanent barrier wall openings. We incorporate state-of-the-art technology into our gate systems aimed to surpass the capabilities of other automated median barrier manufacturers.
Cumberland Barrier’s are designed for ease of use and minimum operation time, thus maximizing precious life-saving minutes during emergency situations. Furthermore, our barriers meet the requirements of the Federal Highway Administration (MASH TL-3), making it eligible for reimbursement.
If you would like to learn more about our median responder gates, please contact our support team or take a look at our resources listed on our website.